Kutipan Gus Dur di Sampul Buku George Aditjondro
Elvan Dany Sutrisno - detikNews

Kutipan Gus Dur di buku George Jakarta - Penulis buku 'Membongkar Gurita Cikeas', George Junus Aditjondro, rupanya menaruh hormat kepada Almarhum Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). Kutipan kata-kata Gus Dur
sengaja dipasang di cover buku kontroversial ini.
"Bukanlah SBY berkata akan memimpin sendiri pemberantasan korupsi di negeri ini?- Abdurrahman Wahid, Mantan Presiden Republik Indonesia," demikian tulisan di bagian bawah sampul buku yang ditulis George itu tepat di bawah gambar gurita besar bermahkota.
Kutipan kata-kata Gus Dur ini dibuat dengan tinta hitam, sama dengan tulisan nama sang penulis. Berbeda dengan tulisan judul buku, 'Membongkar Gurita Cikeas' ditulis dengan tinta merah darah.
Kedekatan George dengan Gus Dur juga tampak dalam peluncuran buku 'Membongkar Gurita Cikeas' di Kafe Doekoen, Jl Raya Pasar Minggu, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu kemarin. George sempat mengutip kata-kata Gus Dur saat dirinya dianggap memukul Ramadhan Pohan.
"Kata Gus Dur orang yang difitnah dan dapat membuktikan kebenarannya adalah orang yang berjiwa besar," kata George dalam acara yang digelar Rabu siang itu.
George memang mengutip nama orang-orang yang dekat dengannya untuk sampul buku dan halaman paling belakang buku. Di halaman paling belakang bukunya, George memasang kutipan Ahmad Syafii Maarif (Mantan Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah), Teten
Mazduki (Sekjen TII), Danang Widoyoko (Koordinator ICW), dan Yosep Adi Prasetyo (Komnas HAM).
Muhammadiyah Menyatakan Bela Sungkawa Mendalam atas Wafatnya Gus Dur
Rabu, 30 Desember 2009 | 21:02 WIB
TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Ketua Umum Pengurus Pusat Muhammadiyah Din Syamsudin menyatakan kepergian Gus Dur adalah kehilangan besar bagi umat Islam dan Bangsa Indonesia.
"Kepergian Gus Dur adalah kehilangan besar bagi umat Islam dan Bangsa Indonesia," tulis Din melalui pesan pendek kepada Tempo, Rabu malam (30/12). Selama hidupnya, lanjut Din, Gus Dur telah menampilkan peran tertentu dan memberi jasa berharga bagi bangsa.
Atas nama PP Muhammadiyah Din beserta segenap keluarga Muhammadiyah menyatakan bela sungkawa mendalam "Keluarga besar PP Muhammadiyah di seluruh tanah air menyampaiken takziyah atas wafatnya Gus Dur," ujar Din.
Dalam ingatan Din, Gus Dur adalah sosok yang memiliki ide luas dan kadang bersikap kontroversial. "Tapi yang harus diingat banyak pula idenya yg bermanfaat, misalnya tentang pengembangan kemajemukan dan penguatan demokrasi," kata Din.
Kedepan Din berharap hilangnya seorang tokoh umat dan bangsa akan segera tergantikan dgn munculnya tokoh2 lain, khususnya di kalangan umat Islam Indonesia.
Titis Setianingtyas
Jakarta mourns loss of Gus Dur
From: AP, AFP December 31, 2009 12:00AM
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JAKARTA: The first democratically elected president of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid, died in hospital last night. He was 69.
Mr Wahid, popularly known as Gus Dur, was practically blind, diabetic and had suffered several strokes.
"Gus Dur just passed away," said Lukman Edy from Wahid's National Awakening Party.
Chief nurse Buwahyuat at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta said Mr Wahid had been receiving treatment in the intensive care unit.
The exact cause of death was not immediately released.
A moderate Islamic scholar, Mr Wahid succeeded BJ Habibie as president in 1999 and was replaced by Megawati Sukarnoputri after being impeached in 2001.
Mr Wahid was criticised in office for his erratic leadership style and was sacked by the national assembly in 2001 amid unproven allegations of corruption and incompetence.
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He defeated Ms Megawati to scoop the presidency in a parliamentary vote, even though her Democratic Party of Struggle put in the strongest showing in a general election earlier in 1999.
His commitment to democracy was not some lately acquired public relations device, as it appeared to be with Dr Habibie, but a profound, life-long commitment to creating a civic society in Indonesia.
That is how he ran Nadhlatal Ulama, the world's biggest Muslim organisation, and that is what prompted him to speak out on behalf of Indonesia's Chinese and Christian minorities.
Several key decisions in his presidency were evidence of his democratic commitment. Mr Wahid went to East Timor to apologise for Indonesia's past crimes there. He also made a huge public commitment by holding regular meetings, in Jakarta, with East Timor's leaders Xanana Gusmao and Jose Ramos Horta.
He also committed Indonesia to helping establish East Timor as a successful state.
Mr Wahid was also a long-time supporter of good relations with Australia. Although, there were elements of our East Timor diplomacy he did not like, for many years he was a friend of and frequent visitor to Australia. He made a clear, positive decision that it was in Indonesia's interests to repair the bilateral relationship, which is why he ultimately made his much delayed visit here.
He tried, without success, to prosecute members of the Suharto family for corruption. This would have been important in establishing a moral atmosphere for Indonesian politics.
Wahid was certainly eccentric and highly individualistic. Sometimes this was bad, sometimes good. It is difficult, if not impossible, to imagine any of the other leaders of Jakarta's elite sacking General Wiranto because of human rights abuses in East Timor.
Similarly, Mr Wahid tried hard to establish civilian control over the military. He also pioneered, unsuccessfully, an approach to the separatist problems in Aceh and Irian Jaya based on dialogue.
In 1984 he withdrew NU from direct political activism and in 1991 founded instead the Democracy Forum. He refused to have anything to do with the late dictator Suharto's preferred Islamic political vehicle, the Association of Muslim Intellectuals, or ICMI, with which Dr Habibie was closely associated.
As a result Suharto tried to get Mr Wahid dislodged from NU leadership in 1994. He failed. It established Mr Wahid as a leading opponent of Suharto's authoritarianism.
Indonesia held its first direct presidential elections in 2004. They were won by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
ASIA NEWSDECEMBER 30, 2009, 11:52 A.M. ET
Abdurrahman Wahid, Former Indonesian President, Dies at 69
JAKARTA -- Former Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid, a key religious moderate and spiritual leader of one of the world's largest Muslim organizations, died on Wednesday aged 69.
Mr. Wahid, an almost-blind and wheelchair-bound cleric whose health had deteriorated sharply in recent years, died in a central Jakarta hospital, an aide said. The cause of death was not immediately known but Mr. Wahid has suffered regular health problems in the past decade since suffering a near-fatal stroke.
As head of the Nahdlatul Ulama, an Islamic organization with 40 million members founded in 1926 by his paternal grandfather, Mr. Wahid came to be seen as a key ally of the West in its ideological struggle against Islamic radicalism.
He fought to keep the NU out of politics in the 1980s and 1990s at a time when Muslim organizations across the Middle East and Asia were agitating to implement Islamic Shariah laws.
"He was against political Islam as a concept," said Robin Bush, the Indonesia country representative for the Asia Foundation, a San Francisco-based think tank. "He was one of the greatest thinkers and philosophers of Islam in Indonesia. It's a huge loss."In recent years, Indonesia has experienced a rise in more conservative forms of Islam. A number of local governments passed Shariah laws earlier this decade and homegrown terrorists have launched attacks on Western hotels and embassies, as well as the resort island of Bali.
But a large majority of Indonesia's 240 million people remain moderates who lean more toward Mr. Wahid's vision, and his death is unlikely to open the door to Islamists, analysts say. The current leaders of NU lack Mr. Wahid's charisma and remain wedded to his moderate and secular views, as do most politicians from other Muslim-based parties, Ms. Bush said.
Mr. Wahid, who was widely known by his nickname Gus Dur, embodied the nation's syncretic religious traditions, which meld more austere Middle Eastern strands of Islam with older Hindu and animistic traditions. Mr. Wahid himself was a descendent of an old Hindu royal family, and enjoyed being irreverent about Islamic traditions. He said he disliked his time in the 1960s studying at Cairo's Al-Azhar University, Sunni Islam's premier seat of learning, because of the dull rote-learning of verses from the Quran, Islam's holy book.
But Mr. Wahid ended up -- against his better instincts -- entering politics, a decision that clouded his legacy.
His term as president between 1999 and 2001 after the fall of authoritarian president Suharto in 1998 disappointed many of his followers. Although Mr. Wahid worked to roll back the role of the military in political life and to decentralize power to Indonesia's far-flung provinces, his administration was frequently chaotic, characterized by unpredictable cabinet reshuffles and allegations of nepotism in the appointment of government positions.
Mr. Wahid's presidency was also wracked by concerns about his health after he suffered a stroke shortly before assuming office.
His spell in office ended with his impeachment for alleged corruption in the alleged misappropriation of state funds. Mr. Wahid was forced to step down, but denied any wrongdoing and said the impeachment was politically motivated by Suharto-era figures vying to return to power.
Mr. Wahid said he was a reluctant politician pushed in to the arena by other leaders in NU. He defended his move by saying the National Awakening Party, which he founded in 1999 before running for president, was a secular-minded organization that admitted non-Muslims.
In recent years, Mr. Wahid lost control of the National Awakening Party amid bitter infighting among members. More recently, he founded the Wahid Institute, which promotes moderate Islam and his headed by his daughter.
Wimar: Gus Dur Membuat Saya Bangga Jadi Orang Indonesia
Masyarakat menggelar doa untuk almarhum Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur di Bundaran Gladak, Solo, Jawa Tengah, Rabu (30/12/2009) malam.
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KAMIS, 31 DESEMBER 2009 | 08:04 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Mengiringi kepergian jenazah mantan Presiden KH Abdurrahman Wahid (69), mantan juru bicara Gus Dur, Wimar Witoelar mengaku bangga dengan sosok Gus Dur.
"Pandangan-pandangan hidup Gus Dur membuat rasa malu saya sebagai orang Indonesia diganti dengan rasa bangga," ujar Wimar usai jenazah Gus Dur diberangkatkan, di rumah duka, Warung Sila, Ciganjur Jakarta, Kamis (31/12/2009).
Wimar yang sangat dekat dengan Gus Dur tampak sangat tenang melepas kepergian mantan Presiden RI itu. "Pandangan hidup beliau, membuat pandangan saya jadi lengkap. Pandangan beliau jauh lebih besar dari politisinya pejabatnya, birokratnya, pedagangnya Indonesia," ujarnya.
Sayangnya, Wimar tidak dapat mengikuti upacara pemakaman Gus Dur di Jombang. "Nggak, saya nggak kuat," imbuhnya.
Malam nanti akan digelar tahlilan untuk mendoakan jenazah almarhum Gus Dur selepas Isya atau sekitar pukul 19.00.
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