Minggu, 04 Juni 2017

intoleransi @ BREXIT (UK)

Jakarta detik -
Abdirahman Mohamed, seorang remaja 17 tahun, tewas ditikam dalam sebuah serangan jalanan di London selatan.

Ia terbunuh di Southampton Way di Peckham, London Selatan, Jumat menjelang tengah malam, dekat sebuah toko serba ada.

Para petugas medis berusaha menyelamatkannya, namun akhirnya dia dinyatakan meninggal dunia di lokasi kejadian. Belum ada yang ditangkap, dan polisi menyerukan warga yang melihat kejadian itu untuk memberikan kesaksian.

Pembunuh dua pria pembela gadis Muslim berteriak-teriak di pengadilan
Pria yang tewas akibat membela warga muslim AS disebut 'pahlawan'
Polisi Jerman tangkap remaja tersangka pembunuhan bocah sembilan tahun
Abdirahman, dari Camberwell, adalah remaja kedelapan yang tewas ditikam di London sepanjang tahun ini.

Detektif Diane Tudway mengatakan, "Keluarga Abdirahman benar-benar hancur dan tidak dapat mengerti mengapa hidup dia dirampas dari mereka melalui tindakan kekerasan yang tidak masuk akal."

"Motif pembunuhan sampai saat ini masih belum jelas dan kami tetap membuka semua kemungkinan tentang mengapa Abdirahman ditikam."



23rd of July 2016: dw.com: Britain's National Police Chiefs Council has reported more than 6,000 hate crime incidents across the United Kingdom since the EU referendum in late June. Most of the cases have involved violence.
Earlier this week, London police deputy commissioner Craig Mackey said the Brexit vote seemed to have "unleashed something in people," with the result being that people felt able to do "things that, let's be really clear, are illegal." He was commenting on the arrests of 400 people in London for suspected hate crimes since the Brexit vote.

Mackey said the reported offenses were mainly verbal abuse, harassment and criminal damage. However, he said serious assaults had also been reported. "We will take action where they do it and when those incidents occur," Mackey said.

INILAHCOM, London - Lebih dari 3.000 kasus kejahatan dan kebencian dilaporkan ke polisi dalam paruh kedua bulan Juni tahun ini, atau meningkat 42% dibandingkan tahun 2015.
Menurut data Dewan Komandan Polisi Nasional Inggris, laporan diterima dari tanggal 16-30 Juni dan setengah dari periode tersebut terjadi setelah Inggris memutuskan keluar dari Uni Eropa pada tanggal 23 Juni, yang juga dikenal dengan sebutan Britain Exit atau Brexit.
Puncak pelanggaran dilaporkan terjadi pada tanggal 25 Juni, dimana 289 pelanggaran dilaporkan di Inggris.
Asisten komandan polisi Mark Hamilton mengatakan 'peningkatan tajam' ini tidak bisa diterima.
"Semua orang berhak merasa aman dan meyakini diri mereka dan tidak seharusnya merasa rapuh atau menghadapi risiko," katanya seperti dilansir BBC.
"Layanan polisi tidak bisa menerima pelanggaran sejenis setelah terjadinya lonjakan laporan pada situs internet True Vision, situs yang didanai polisi terkait informasi kejahatan kebencian," imbuhnya.
Jenis utama pelanggaran yang dilaporkan adalah 'kekerasan terhadap orang', termasuk pelecehan, serangan umum, selain serangan kata-kata, meludah, dan menabrakkan diri. [ikh]
- See more at: http://dunia.inilah.com/read/detail/2308741/kejahatan-melonjak-di-inggris-setelah-brexit#sthash.riTTGso4.dpuf

the standard: Sadiq Khan today urged Londoners to "stand guard" against hate crime following Britain's decision to withdraw from the European Union.
The Mayor joined Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe to warn there would be a "zero tolerance" approach to xenophobic attacks.
They said police would be "extra vigilant" after a spate of incidents including racist graffiti being daubed on a Polish community centrein Hammersmith.
City Hall aides said Mr Khan was "very concerned" about reports of racial tension after the Brexit vote highlighted disagreements about immigration.
London voted strongly for Britain to stay in the EU with around 60 per cent of people voting Remain, and just five of the 33 boroughs wanting to leave.
Around 850,000 Londoners were born in other EU countries, with Poles and Irish the biggest groups, and many are concerned about what Brexit will mean.
Some have reported being shouted at to "go home" in the streets, with leaflets pushed through letterboxes and schoolchildren facing hostility. 
In a statement, the Mayor said: "Last week the country voted to leave the European Union but London voted to stay. In every corner of our city, including those few areas where the majority voted to leave, people of all nationalities, races and religions live cheek by jowl, in harmony. 
"I say to them all you are, and you will continue to be, welcome in London and in all our communities. As Mayor, I take seriously my responsibility to defend London's fantastic mix of diversity and tolerance. 
"So it's really important we stand guard against any rise in hate crimes or abuse by those who might use last week's referendum as cover to seek to divide us. 
"I've asked out police to be extra vigilant for any rise in cases of hate crime and I'm calling on all Londoners to pull together and rally behind this great city. While I'm Mayor, addressing hate crimes will be a priority for the Met. We will have a zero tolerance approach to any attempt to hurt and divide our communities."
However, Mr Khan added that it was important not to "demonise" the 1.5 million Londoners who voted for Brexit. 
"While I and millions of others disagreed with their decision, they took it for a variety of reasons and this shouldn't be used to accuse them of being xenophobic or racist. We must respect their decision and work together now to get the best deal for London," he added.
Met chief Sir Bernard added: "London is a diverse global city where people from many different backgrounds live and work side-by-side in safety. That hasn't changed in the past few days but if people do have any concerns they should let the police know. We will investigate vigorously any reports or crime motivated by hatred."
It came as Mr Khan and the Mayor of Paris pledged to defy the Brexit vote and work "more closely together than ever before".
He and Anne Hidalgo, who was the first foreign leader to meet the new London Mayor, issued a joint statement stating that cities were now more important than countries in shaping the future. 
They wrote: "There is so much that unites our two great cities. Shared history, shared culture, shared challenges and the shared experience of being one of just a handful of truly global cities."
Suggesting that the British referendum result would not have an adverse effect, they said: "Together, we can act as a powerful counterweight to the lethargy of nation states and to the influence of industrial lobbies. Together, we can and will shape the century ahead."


Shocking accounts have emerged following the vote to leave the E.U.

There has been a surge in racist attacks in the United Kingdom following Thursday’s referendum in which 52% of voters said they wanted to leave the European Union.
“There are very obvious links from the outcome of the result and people using it like a catalyst to say things like ‘we are out of Europe so you now can’t be here’ or ‘go back home'” says Gareth Cuerden, head of hate crimes in Wales for the charity Victim Support. He said his team has received over 60 reports of hate crimes and incidences in Wales, including from non-European racial groups.
The rise in racist attacks appears to be pegged to the belief that migrants will have to leave the U.K. following the referendum — in which the Leave campaign vowed to “take back control” of immigration. Cuerden notes that they saw a similar spike of hate crimes and incidences in Wales around last November’s Paris terrorist attacks. “When public figures, the press and everyone focuses on a story that is specific to a characteristic like race or religion we can expect an increase [in hate crimes]” says Cuerden. “We are expecting the same trend to come through with the E.U. referendum because there has been a big focus on race.”
London’s Metropolitan police confirmed on Sunday that they were looking into “allegedly racially motivated criminal damage” to the Polish Social and Cultural Association in west London, after graffiti was found on the front entrance. The Polish embassy released a statement on Monday, expressing alarm at the “recent incidences of xenophobic abuse” of the Polish community and other minority groups. In Wales, businesswoman Shazia Awan, who campaigned for the U.K to remain in the E.U. was told to “pack her bags and go home.
It also emerged that cards saying “Leave the E.U. No more Polish vermin” were left outside homes and a school in Cambridgeshire — an area that has seen high-levels of E.U. immigration to work in its farming and packaging industries. Channel 4 correspondent Ciaran Jenkins said three people shouted “send them home” as he was reporting from the northern English town of Barnsley last Friday.
Other minority groups in the country have experienced threats and taunts on their right to be in the U.K. On Twitter, Ali Abbasi said that a Sikh colleague was told by a patient: “shouldn’t you be on a plane back to Pakistan? we voted you out.” While another Twitter user reported that men shouted “out, out, out” at a Muslim woman in South London, telling her: “this is England we’re white, get out of my country.”
The spokesperson for the Muslim Council Miqdaad Versi, who has been collating online reports of hate incidences and crimes, told TIME that he has seen a rise in bigotry following the referendum results where “a mixture of different communities” have been attacked for not being of white British heritage.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has put the the capital’s police on alert for racially motivated incidents. “It’s really important we stand guard against any rise in hate crimes or abuse by those who might use last week’s referendum as cover to seek to divide us,” he told the Guardian.

Is currency depreciation good or bad for the economy?

When a currency depreciates, the prices of domestically-produced goods decline relative to international prices. The exporting firms become more competitive and exports increase. If the growth of exports is significant, then production and employment also expand and the entire economy accelerates. For that reason, countries sometimes try to cause a depreciation of their currencies in order to stimulate the economy. Observe, for example, the growth of the UK economy after the 1992 depreciation of the British pound.
However, a depreciating currency does not necessarily cause an economic boom. In fact, the economy can go into a steep recession as in the case of Indonesia.
Whether or not depreciation causes an economic expansion depends on several factors. First, does the country import many raw materials and intermediate goods? If it does, when the currency depreciates, the cost of production increases and the country does not become more competitive. For example, if a clothing company imports all of its textiles, then its cost will increase when the currency depreciates. It would not become more competitive. It may be able to switch to using domestic textile but that is a long process and it may not even be possible if there are no domestic producers of textile.

Second, has the country borrowed extensively in foreign currencies? If it has, then the value of its international debt (expressed in domestic currency) increases as soon as the currency depreciates. If the currency value declines by 20 percent, the value of international debts immediately increases by 20 percent making it very difficult for governments, firms, and households to pay back their debts. Some firms and households (and possibly governments) may go bankrupt pushing the economy into a recession.

Third, would the depreciation cause high inflation? In countries that import many of their essential products such as food and fuels, currency depreciation can produce high inflation. The prices of these imported products increase but people cannot stop buying them. High inflation, in turn, creates an environment of financial instability and uncertainty and leads to lower economic activity. Inflation also creates political unrest as people cannot afford essential goods and often initiate public protests against the government.

All of the above helped push Indonesia into a steep recession.

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